6 Tips for Cleaning Windows

I love having clean windows in my home. I think it’s because I love natural light and always have my curtains open when the sun is shining. When my windows are clean too, it’s just so much more “sunshiny.” I’ve also hung prisms in the most sunny spots of my house and I have the joy of rainbows at all hours too. Clean windows makes them even brighter. Here are six tips for getting your windows sparkling clean too!

1. Clean on a Dry, Overcast Day

Obviously, washing your outside windows on a rainy day will be frustrating at best. The reason you want the day to be overcast is because when the sun is beating directly on the windows, the cleaner dries faster than you can wipe it and you get streaks.

2. Use a Paint Can Opener to Remove Screens

When pulling the screens out, use a paint can opener to pull them out rather than trying to cram your fingers in there. You’ll be less likely to bend that fragile screen. Then you can rinse off your screens and leave them to dry while you wash the glass.

3. Clean the Windows with Soap First

Before the final polish, go over each window with a cloth and a bucket of soapy water. Get any dirt films, cobwebs, and dust off the windows and sills before you come back to polish them.

4. Use a Good Glass Cleaner - Or Make One

Use a quality glass cleaner when you’re ready to do the final wash of the window. There are lots of recipes online for glass cleaners too. Some are as simple as just a mixture of distilled vinegar and water. Others add rubbing alcohol to the mix too. A good cleaner will make it easier to get the windows streak-free.

5. Use a Microfiber Cloth

I used to always use newspaper or paper towels to clean windows - normal towels leave so many streaks. Then I discovered microfiber cloths. They are great at getting the windows clean without leaving residue and they are reusable too!

6. Wipe in Differing Directions

When cleaning the inside of the windows wipe them horizontally and then when outside, wipe them vertically. Or vice versa. The reasoning here is that if you do have any streaks, the direction of them will let you know at a glance if they are inside or outside the glass. Brilliant!

So don’t delay and get those windows clean! You won’t regret it, I promise!