Where Can I Dispose of Household Hazardous Waste (HHW)?

We all know we're not supposed to throw items that are poisonous, flammable, corrosive or toxic away in our normal trash bins that go to the landfill. What then are we supposed to do with Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) such as old prescription medications, electronics, batteries, oil, yard care products, etc? 

The Salt Lake County Health Department is here to help. Throughout the summer they will have drop off locations throughout the valley set up for your convenience. The list of locations, dates, times, & what is accepted is listed below. 

If these dates and times don't work for you the Health Department also has Permanent Collection Facilities. Click the below link for more information on them. 


For more information or help with any and all real estate needs, give me a call today and we'll get started.