Thanksgiving Point $2 Tuesdays

It's that time of year again for $2 Tuesdays at Thanksgiving Point in Lehi. All four of the attractions offer $2 per person admission every Tuesday in August. That includes the Museum of Ancient Life, Farm Country, Ashton Gardens, and the Museum of Natural Curiosity. The $2 deal isn't just for the attractions. Each of their restaurants also offer $2 meal deals on Tuesdays. And you can take a yoga class at Brick Canvas for $2 as well. 

It's a great time to check out the wonderfulness that is Thanksgiving Point at a fraction of the normal cost. This is how were first introduced ourselves and we've carried an annual membership ever since. 

And if you are already a member, they have something for you too. They have "Member Mondays" that pass on the Tuesday food and yoga benefits to all members on both Mondays and Tuesdays!