Avenues Homes/Melissa Brownell Real Estate

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7 Ways to Winterize Your Home

The weather is starting to cool down and before we know it the winter will envelope us. Here are some tips to get your home ready for the cold to keep it warm and efficient.

1. New Furnace Filters and a Tune-Up

If you haven't done it recently, change your furnace filter. And it's also recommended to have your furnace tuned-up every year or two to keep it running at its optimum performance. 

2. Reverse Ceiling Fans

In the summertime your want your ceiling fan to run counter clockwise to blow cool air down on you. In the winter, reverse them to run clockwise. That circulates the rising warm air in the room so your furnace can run less often. 

3. Winterize Air Conditioners

Take down your window mounted air conditions and cover the wall and ceiling mounted ones. If you have an evaporative cooler, disconnect it from the water line and cover it too. 

4. Winterize Sprinklers

Turn off the water to your sprinkling system and drain the pipes to keep them from freezing as the cold sets in. 

5. Caulk Windows and Doors

Caulk is inexpensive and easy to "install." Spend some time caulking around your window and door frames to keep warm air from escaping and cold air from coming inside. 

6. Install Storm Windows

If you live in an older home with single pane windows (like I do) install storm windows on to hold onto you heat. 

7. Clean Rain Gutters

Get all the debris from fall out of your rain gutters so they can drain well throughout the wet winter months. 

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